Volunteers and STEM Ambassadors

Schools careers fairs

Schools careers fairs

If you are keen to promote the profession at a school career fairs this article in The Chemical Engineer, contains some handy hints and tips: Toolkit launched to promote DiscoverChemEng message at school careers fairs.

You can request the following materials by by completing a DiscoverChemEng order form

  • pull up banners – four versions available: 5 reasons, What is chemical engineering?, Chemical engineering is everywhere! and Chemical engineers will...
  • table cover/runner
  • pens
  • pencils
  • career posters
  • bookmarks
  • postcards for new virtual work experience programme

You can download a careers presentation aimed at 14 to 18 year old school and college students, including the new virtual work experience information and a video trailer embedded into the presentation. If you are giving a careers talk you can pick and choose the slides you need to support your event. 

Please provide feedback about using DiscoverChemEng promotional materials at school and college careers fairs or other events using this online form DiscoverChemEng careers and outreach feedback, it should only take a couple of minutes to complete.

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