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Careers and classroom resources

New teacher resources about UN SDGs

These may be helpful for school visits or to signpost to teachers and include presentations and classroom activities. Available for different ages.

Careers posters

These posters showcase the importance of chemical engineering across different industries (dimensions 210 x 594mm). You will find a range of posters below that can be downloaded.

To request copies of these posters, 5 in a pack, use the DiscoverChemEng order form.

New Chemical Engineering Is Everywhere! Posters

Posters to showcase the importance of chemical engineering across a range of everyday products and services are available with the theme of 'Chemical Engineering Is Everywhere'. Use the links below to download and print. 

Bookmarks, pull-up banners and a long A4 poster in the the same design are available to order. To request copies, use the DiscoverChemEng order form.

Classroom posters

These posters demonstrate how chemical engineers are working towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

If you are taking these into a school, use them to showcase your own role and talk about what you and your company are doing – whether that is on a global or local level. You might be involved in some interesting research which school students may be interested to hear more about. By discussing your role and the UN global goals it will help younger people to better understand the breadth of career options that will be opened up to them by studying chemical engineering. There is also a UN SDG Teacher Resource pack which you can signpost to schools.

To request copies of these posters, use the DiscoverChemEng order form.

The three posters carry the same message with a slightly different level of text depending on the age group: 


Please provide feedback about using DiscoverChemEng promotional materials at school and college careers fairs or other events using this online form DiscoverChemEng careers and outreach feedback, it should only take a couple of minutes to complete.

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