Information for ACTS trainees
Not all companies offer graduates the opportunity to use their newly learnt skills and knowledge. Nor can they provide the specialist training you will need to become recognised as a professional chemical engineer.
IChemE established Accredited Company Training Schemes (ACTS) to help companies offer their graduates the right type of training and experience during their Initial Professional Development (IPD) as they work towards Chartered Chemical Engineer status. We have also developed a facility by which companies can have their existing graduate training programmes assessed against these guidelines.
The most common questions we receive from ACTS trainees are:
1. What help will I get from the company?
As well as your line manager who will supervise your day-to-day work, the company will provide you with a mentor. Your mentor will preferably be a Chartered Chemical Engineer who will check on your progress and ensure that you obtain the right opportunities and training.
2. What help will I get from IChemE?
See our Notes for Trainees. We will also monitor the scheme to ensure that you are receiving the required training and opportunities. Any enquiries can be sent to the ACTS administrator.
3. How do I get Chartered?
Those applying to become a Chartered Member need to meet the requirements for each of the three stages of our membership process:

Accredited Company Training Schemes were developed to ensure that graduates receive the full range of work-based training and experience needed to demonstrate their competence and commitment, therefore meeting the requirements for Stage 2 - Initial Professional Development (IPD).
Your scheme manager should have given you all the information you need to track your experience and skills, but if you want to find out more about becoming a Chartered Chemical Engineer, visit our Chartered Member pages.
Don't forget to talk to your mentor - the responsibility for your application lies with you, but your mentor has already gone through the process and will be able to share their own experiences of the application.