Scottish Water
As Scotland’s only water utility company, we provide a vital service to the communities of Scotland. Scottish Water is publicly owned, so every penny we make is reinvested – currently around £800m a year in infrastructure to ensure our services to our communities are running to the best of our ability.
Every day we:
- deliver 1.51 billion litres of clear, fresh drinking water
- remove 1.07 billion litres of waste water which we treat, recover resources from and return safely to the environment
- our services support over 2.6 million households and more than 159,000 business premises across Scotland
- with more than 60,000 miles of pipes and over 2,000 treatment works we support communities across Scotland
- in 2022/23 we invested £886 million, on a like for like basis with 2021/22 - our biggest annual investment to date.
We are currently going through a process of transformation to meet out NetZero ambitions by 2040. It’s an exciting time for us to be bold, inspiring, caring and responsible in our commitment to the people of Scotland to not only keep our high level of service, but also protect the unique environment of Scotland.
We have been awarded the Platinum accreditation from Investors in Young People for our development programmes. Visit careermap.sw-content.co.uk to hear our people discuss their career journeys.
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