Amber Keegan
Amber Keegan, a chemical engineering postgraduate student at the University of Sheffield, UK was awarded the Ashok Kumar Fellowship in 2021.
She is completing a PhD in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at the university, where she is researching the formation pathway of bio-inspired silica, a method of producing silica nanomaterial which is more sustainable than current methods of manufacture.
Amber began her three-month Fellowship in January 2022, working alongside advisers in the Houses of Parliament to inform the work of MPs and Peers on cyber conflict. Amber's briefing note (POSTnote), States’ use of cyber operations, was the resulting product of the fellowship where she reviewed literature and interviewed experts from across academia, industry, government and the third sector. The POSTnote explores how and why states use cyber operations against other nations, and the threats that these activities pose to the UK.
My Experience Informing Parliamentary Policy-making
13 May 2022
In this webinar, Amber talks about her experiences completing the Ashok Kumar Fellowship during her PhD, where she wrote a POSTnote on cyber operations by nation states. She also talks about her experiences and learnings, including interviewing experts and conducting literature research.
She explains how the Fellowship has altered her preconceived thoughts of Parliament and how it has influenced her post-PhD career plans.
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