IChemE convenes Battery Energy Storage Systems roundtable discussion

13th December 2023
A cross-sector roundtable discussion focusing on Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) safety was convened by IChemE in London, UK, earlier today. The hybrid in-person/virtual discussion was chaired by IChemE Deputy President, Mark Apsey MBE, UK Managing Director for renewable energy firm Ameresco.
As the UK moves to decarbonise our electricity system, BESS will be critical to this energy transition, enabling ramp-up of renewable electricity usage, and managing the supply/demand balance across the macro scale of the national grid and the micro scale of domestic properties. This emerging and fast-moving area of the energy transition needs careful management to ensure the safety of national and commercial infrastructure and domestic homes. Through its members, IChemE has particular expertise in chemical and process engineering, systems thinking approaches, and process safety.
The discussion brought in experts from professional engineering institutions, industry, academia, and regulatory bodies, and explored the current guidance and regulations on static BESS, the safety risks from aggregating small units in larger modules, the inherent safety of different chemistries, and the domestic safety context when recycling Electric Vehicle batteries.
Mark Apsey said: “Collaborating with others to serve society is a key strategic goal for IChemE, so I’m delighted to have chaired such an informative discussion today. Convening cross-sector platforms that contribute to the development and sharing of knowledge, skills and research is fundamental, both to driving continuous improvement in efficient and safe operations, but also to putting chemical and process engineering at the heart of a sustainable future. Thanks to input from a wide cross-section of energy storage experts today, the session generated valuable insight to where IChemE has the most to contribute to this agenda, and raised a number of fruitful lines of discussion.
“We were delighted by the interest and enthusiasm in the room, and to see attendees continuing to talk and network after the event. I thank all our attendees for their time and contributions, and look forward to many more opportunities to support the positive impact that chemical and process engineering has on society.”
For more information please contact:
Ann Baylis, Communications Executive & PR Lead, IChemE
t: +44 (0) 1788 534477
e: abaylis@icheme.org
Daniel Owens, Communication Executive, IChemE
t:+44 (0) 1788 534458
What is chemical engineering?
Chemical, biochemical and process engineering is the application of science, mathematics and economics in the process of turning raw materials into everyday, and more specialist, products. Professional chemical engineers design, construct and manage process operations all over the world. Energy, pharmaceuticals, food and drink, synthetic fibres and clean drinking water are just some of the industry sectors and products where chemical engineering plays a central role.
The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) advances chemical engineering's contribution for the benefit of society. We facilitate the development of chemical engineering professionals and provide connections to a powerful network of around 30,000 members in more than 100 countries.
We support our members in applying their expertise and experience to make an influential contribution to solving major global challenges, and are the only organisation permitted to award Chartered Chemical Engineer status and Professional Process Safety Engineer registration.