Safety and Loss Prevention group stages Malaysia launch event
13th June 2012
IChemE's Safety and Loss Prevention Special Interest Group (SLPSIG) stages its first event in Malaysia later this month.
The free event will take place at 17:30 (UTC+) on 25 June 2012 at the Grand Millennium Hotel, Kuala Lumpur and includes presentations by Professor Abdul Wahab Mohammad, chair of IChemE in Malaysia and Dr Christina Phang, managing partner at Environmental Resources Management.
Professor Mohammad will be discussing IChemE’s role in maintaining and improving process safety standards in the chemical and process industries, while Dr Phang will use her presentation to highlight lessons learned from past incidents.
SLPSIG provides a network for chemical and process engineers with an interest in process industry safety. IChemE members are entitled to free membership of their preferred special interest group.
The objectives of SLPSIG are to:
• Provide a forum for engineers, scientists and other professionals, facilitating networking and open dialogue on lessons learned
• Support professional development and provide training resources
• Promote best practice, and advance the technical and practical tools of safety and loss prevention
• Create cultures that deliver improvements in health, safety and environmental performance
• Build an understanding of risk issues, and influence the development and adoption of risk reduction measures
To register for the event, click here.
For more information on SLPSIG click here.