Energy Centre calls for focus on solutions at Paris climate talks

2nd December 2015

The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Energy Centre Board has released a supporting statement for its Climate Communiqué. Launched to coincide with the COP21 climate talks in Paris, France, the statement urges governments and policy makers to take meaningful action with deployable technologies, or risk further increase of atmospheric CO2 emissions.

The Climate Communiqué, published in October, calls on governments to deliver an effective global agreement, focusing on the world’s future energy priorities from a chemical engineering point of view.

Today’s statement outlines five priority topics for the climate talks, including: energy efficiency; energy storage and grid management; carbon capture, storage and utilisation; nuclear; and sustainable bioenergy. These topics will be supported by expert recommendations over the next few days.

The evidence-based recommendations cover each topic in more detail, using insight from the Energy Centre’s experts from academia and industry. They will be published over the coming days during COP21 via IChemE’s blog.

The Energy Centre most recently deemed the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Amber Rudd’s claims that the UK did not have the technologies to support decarbonisation as ‘profoundly untrue’. Today’s statement reinforces this point, saying:

“The technologies exist now to deliver massive energy savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions in all five priority areas. Taken together, they represent a pathway to a decarbonised energy system that can be realised now, as long as the agreement made at COP21 recognises that the time has come for deployment of such technologies.”

Professor Stefaan Simons, Chair of IChemE’s Energy Centre, said: “Chemical engineers already understand the technology needed to limit atmospheric CO2 levels. Now is the time to start using it. World leaders can shift the focus from research and development to demonstration and deployment. We can give policy makers the solutions needed to mitigate climate change.”

Professor Simons will present at the Paris climate talks on 10 December at an official side event. Technology solutions for a 2 degree world: Investing in renewables, storage, energy efficiency and CCS will be held in Observer Room 03, Parc des Expositions at 11:30-13:00. Those wishing to attend can find out more here.

IChemE will also be hosting an evening screening of the presentations on 10 December at its offices in Portland Place, London. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion to reflect on the outcomes of COP21, and discuss the future of global action on climate change.