Charity trio benefit from IChemE donation
20th December 2012
Engineers Against Poverty (EAP), Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and RedR have been selected as joint recipients of IChemE's annual charity donation in lieu of a traditional Christmas Card mailing.
EAP is a specialist NGO working in the field of engineering and international development. EAP uses cutting edge technology in three key areas - infrastructure, the extractive industries (oil, gas & mining) and engineering education – with the aim of meeting the challenges of sustainable development and poverty reduction.
EWBI is an international association of national EWB/ISF groups whose mission is to facilitate, collaborate, exchange information and provide assistance to its member groups and affiliated organisations. EWBI helps member groups develop their capacity to assist poor communities in their respective countries and create a new generation of global engineers.
RedR relieves suffering in disasters by selecting, training and providing competent and effective personnel to humanitarian aid agencies world-wide.
To make a single donation which will be split equally between the three charities, visit the IChemE donation page.
IChemE office closures:
UK, Australia and New Zealand offices are closed between 17:00 on Friday 21 December until 09:00 on Tuesday 2 January 2013.
Malaysia office will be closed from 31 December 2012 – 2 January 2013.
China office will be closed from 28 December 2012 – 2 January 2013