Bursary applications open for catalysis summer school

15th January 2024
IChemE is inviting bursary applications for the ‘Catalysis fundamentals and practice’ summer school.
The bursary was introduced by IChemE in 2022 to support students in enhancing their knowledge of catalysis, and provides funding for up to 20 PhD, EngD or MSc students to attend the University of Liverpool Department of Chemistry’s week-long summer school. The school takes place every two years, and will be held this year from 24-28 June.
The summer school is a great opportunity for early career researchers to find out more about fundamental aspects of catalysis and learn from leading researchers and industrialists in the field, while forming new professional networks that will support them throughout their careers.
IChemE offers the bursary thanks to the Andrew Legacy, made to the Institution by the late Professor Syd Andrew, an IChemE Fellow and distinguished expert in the field of catalysis. The bursary is open to postgraduate students worldwide who can travel to and stay in the UK for the duration of the programme. The bursary awards each person up to £2,000 in travel expenses (including visa fees, where required) and up to £1,000 to cover course fees and the cost of accommodation.
Professor Marc-Olivier Coppens of University College London chairs the Andrew Panel, a group of IChemE member volunteers who support and coordinate activities under the Andrew Legacy scheme.
Professor Coppens said: “Professor Syd Andrew’s legacy continues to exert huge influence on the careers of early career researchers across the chemical engineering and chemistry communities. Introducing this bursary in 2022 enabled more students to develop their practical skills in catalysis via the highly successful learning programme organised by the University of Liverpool, and we’re pleased to be extending that support once again.”
Jonathan Iggo, Reader of Chemistry at the University of Liverpool, organises the long-established summer school, which introduces students to a wider appreciation of catalysis and its impact outside their own research project.
“The ‘Catalysis fundamentals and practice’ summer school is widely regarded as the premier event of its type for MSc and PhD students in catalysis and for new starts in industry,” Jonathan explained. “We’re delighted to receive renewed sponsorship from IChemE’s Andrew Legacy, enabling us to offer bursaries that allow deserving students in chemical engineering and related fields to attend.”
Recipients of the 2022 bursaries were enthusiastic about their experiences, giving enormously positive feedback. Comments included:
- “Thank you very much for organising this outstanding event. I have found it extremely useful professionally and had a great time socially!”
- “It has been an eye-opening experience for me, as I had the pleasure to listen to and learn from experts in the catalysis field, to get to know colleagues from different parts of the world, and to broaden my horizons. Thank you very much for this opportunity. The past week has definitely been more than just useful to me, and equipped me with knowledge to further continue my career.”
- “I had the most amazing experience and only wish I had the chance to enjoy it sooner!”
- “Thank you very much for awarding me the Andrew Legacy bursary – I had a wonderful experience and benefitted greatly from it!”
- “I would like to thank again the Institution for the Andrew Legacy bursary. It really did enable me to attend this fantastic, educational summer school. At which I also met some fantastic academics and industrialists, some of whom I am now looking to collaborate with in my research!”
Find out more about the eligibility criteria and apply online now. The closing date for bursary applications is 16 February 2024.
University of Liverpool’s ‘Catalysis fundamentals and practice’ summer school
For more information please contact:
Ann Baylis, Communications Executive and PR Lead, IChemE
t: +44 (0) 1788 534477
e: abaylis@icheme.org
Dan Owens, Communications Executive, IChemE
t: +44 (0) 1788 534458
e: dowens@icheme.org
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