ADMA-OPCO named as new Gold Corporate Partner
23rd August 2012
The Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO) has been named as IChemE’s newest Gold Corporate Partner in recognition of its contribution to the profession and its employees.
IChemE qualifications director Neil Atkinson formally presented ADMA-OPCO CEO Ali Al Jarwan with the organisation’s corporate partner certificate at its Abu Dhabi headquarters.
As a Gold Corporate Partner, ADMA-OPCO has:
- demonstrated a commitment to attracting more talented young people into chemical engineering;
- working with chemical engineering students to ensure they’re prepared for careers in industry;
- supporting its chemical engineering employees working towards Chartered Chemical Engineer and Fellow status; and
- sharing knowledge and expertise with the wider profession.
The organisation also pays the IChemE membership fees of all eligible staff and its in-company training scheme is accredited by the Institution.
The presentation took place as part of IChemE’s inaugural event in the Middle East where ADMA-OPCO’s Badrul Huda was also presented with a certificate of IChemE Fellowship. Huda is process engineering team leader at the organisation.
Atkinson says: “Our corporate partners are the companies that demonstrate a clear continued commitment to the profession and make the best possible use of chemical engineering talent. ADMA-OPCO demonstrated both of those things in abundance and we’re delighted to add the organisation to our growing list of partners.”
Other corporate partners are Sellafield Ltd, KBR, AstraZeneca, Larsen & Toubro and Ingen.
Find out more about becoming an IChemE Corporate Partner.