
Shahrul Azman Zainal Abidin
Dr Shahrul Azman Zainal Abidin is the Director of Product Management with the Honeywell Industrial Innovation team USA. He graduated as a chemical engineer from California State University, Long Beach, USA in 1988, under a PETRONAS scholarship.
He received an MSc in gas engineering from the University Technology Malaysia in 1996 and PhD from the National University of Malaysia in 2020 in chemical and process engineering. He is a Fellow of IChemE and Senior member of AIChE.
Prior to joining Honeywell, he served PETRONAS for 30 years in various positions and retired from the company as Group Technical Authority (GTA) in Process Modelling and Optimisation. He has experience in plant operations, process troubleshooting and process optimisation and is an Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) in chemical engineering departments for many universities.
He is currently the Adjunct Professor for University Technology PETRONAS and University Technology Malaysia (UTM) in the field of chemical engineering.
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