John Martin McGagh: 2017–2018
John has 35 years' working experience predominantly in the mining and minerals processing industries. Serving his last 18 years as a Managing Director means he is familiar with all aspects of strategy formation through to real world business implementation. He brings to IChemE significant business experience having worked in and with a wide range of Executive teams and Boards to deliver at scale business improvement.
He has been successful in delivering business change most recently in the areas of Applied Industrial Technology & Innovation particularly in the area of digital solutions - which is something that interests him. He had the opportunity to lead the breakthrough Rio Tinto “Mine of the Future” programme which introduced the first at- scale autonomous haulage systems into an industrial setting securing a step-change improvement in productivity, but more importantly, significantly improving safety performance in our industry.
John brings to IChemE an international perspective having lived and worked in Australia, USA and Europe whilst being responsible for leading the establishment of facilities and transacting substantial business in Europe, Southern Africa, China, India, North and South America. He supports a range of pro-bono activities whilst at the same time consulting and serving on a number of Advisory Boards spanning Oil and Gas through Mineral Technology digital services. He brings his experience to these organisations primarily focusing upon the introduction of a wide range of digital systems that serve to improve business performance. He is also a start-up Investor/Director in an advanced machine learning platform called Interlate, serving the minerals and mining sector with advanced digital solutions and where he is able to work with a talented Management and Board.
John joined IChemE as a student member in 1979 one year before graduating from the University of Bradford with an honours degrees in Chemical Engineering and Management Economics. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology Science and Engineering, a Fellow and Past President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland and Chair of the Institute of Social Science Research at the University of Queensland. In 2015 he was invited to Chair the independent review into the Australian University Higher Degree By Research (PhD) system. Chairing such a review was an honour, and provided an opportunity to work with a fantastic expert panel. He was able to apply a range of skills honed during his industrial career and he remains delighted that some 11 out of the 13 recommendations produced by their work were subsequently implemented by Government.
John has been fortunate in being able to live and work in the UK, Europe and in a number of Australian capital city and remote locations. He was based in the United States for an eight year period and relocated to his current home base Brisbane, Australia in July 2007.
View the text of John McGagh's Presidential Address
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