Board of Trustees election
Previous election results
Following the call for nominations in March 2024, a ballot was required for the roles of Vice President (Learned Society), Ordinary Member (2 year term) and Ordinary Member (3 year term).
Only one eligible nomination was received for each of the roles of Deputy President, Vice President (Qualifications), Vice President (Member Engagement) and Regional/Ordinary Member (RoW seat). As a result no ballot was necessary for these positions.
The new Trustee appointments were formally announced at the IChemE Annual General Meeting (AGM) held virtually on 11 June 2024.
- President for 2025/2026 (Deputy President from June 2024)
Raffaella Ocone - Vice President (Qualifications)
Alan Harper - Vice President (Member Engagement)
Andrea Hosey - Vice President (Learned Society)
Joan Cordiner - Ordinary Member (2 year term)
Helen Ramsay - Ordinary Member (3 year term)
Paul McLaughlin - Regional/Ordinary Member (RoW seat)
Tawana Muchatuta
Following the call for nominations in January 2023, a ballot was required for the role of Deputy President (President 2024/2025) and Ordinary Member.
The new Trustee appointments were formally announced at the IChemE Annual General Meeting (AGM) held virtually on 13 June 2023.
- President for 2024/2025 (Deputy President from June 2023)
Mark Apsey - Ordinary Member
Adriana Vargas-Colwill
Following the call for nominations in January 2022, a ballot was required for the role of Ordinary Member.
Only one eligible nomination was received for each of the roles of Deputy President and Honorary Treasurer. As a result, no ballot was necessary for these positions.
The new Trustee appointments were formally announced at the IChemE AGM, held virtually on 14 June 2022.
- President for 2023/2024 (Deputy President from June 2022)
Nigel Hirst - Honorary Treasurer
David Edwards - Ordinary member
Raffaella Ocone
Following the call for nominations in February 2021, a ballot was required for the roles of Deputy President, Vice President (Learned Society) and Ordinary Member (three seats).
Only one eligible nomination was received for each of the roles of Honorary Treasurer, Vice President (Qualifications) and Vice President (Learned Society). As a result, no ballot was necessary for these positions.
The new Trustee appointments were formally announced at the IChemE AGM, held virtually on 14 June 2021.
- Deputy President
David Bogle - Honorary Treasurer
Iain Martin - Vice President (Learned Society)
Alexandra Meldrum - Vice President (Qualifications)
Rob Best - Vice President (Member Engagement)
Andrea Hosey - Ordinary Member (three seats)
Macsene Isles-Ahite (re-elected)
Mark Sutton (re-elected)
Wendy Wilson (re-elected)
Following the call for nominations in February 2020, three eligible nominations had been received for the role of Deputy President and only one eligible nomination for the role of Honorary Treasurer.
The nomination received for the Honorary Treasurer vacancy was that of Iain Martin, the incumbent office holder. As a result, no ballot was necessary for this position.
An election was held for the role of Deputy President in April 2020.
Two new Trustee appointments were formally announced at the IChemE AGM, held virtually on 15 June 2020.
- Deputy President
Ms Jane Cutler - Honorary Treasurer
Mr Iain Martin
Following the call for nominations in February 2019 and without a ballot of the voting members, only one nomination was received for each of the vacancies, two new Trustee appointments were formally announced at the AGM, held at IChemE, Rugby, UK on 20 May 2019.
- Deputy President
Professor Stephen Richardson
(Professor Richardson will serve a six month term as Deputy President and will take over as President in November 2019) - Honorary Treasurer
Mr Iain Martin
Following the call for nominations in February 2018 and the subsequent ballot held during April 2018, a number of new Trustee appointments were formally announced at the AGM, held at the IET, Savoy Place, London, UK on 21 May 2018.
- Deputy President
Andrew Thompson, (elected with 56.8% of the vote in this category) - Vice President (International)
Tom White, (elected with 63.4% of the vote in this category) - Ordinary Trustees (three vacancies)
Wendy Wilson (elected with 52.4% of the vote in this category)
Keith Plumb (elected with 30.9% of the vote in this category)
Macsene Isles-Ahite (elected with 27.3% of the vote in this category) - Honorary Treasurer
Iain Martin
After three consecutive years serving as an IChemE Trustee, Lynn Gladden stepped down following her appointment as Executive Chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Council therefore agreed the co-option of Mark Sutton in her place. Mark Sutton was placed fourth in the ballot for Ordinary Trustees, receiving 20.8% of the votes cast in that category.
No formal nominations were received for Honorary Treasurer. Iain Martin, who was due to stand down from Council at the AGM, indicated he would be happy to continue for a further year in the role of Honorary Treasurer. The Interim Candidate Committee, therefore, confirmed that Iain Martin would become IChemE's Honorary Treasurer with effect from the end of the AGM on 21 May 2018.