

IChemE is a signatory to the Royal Academy of Engineering diversity concordat and the Science Council declaration on diversity, equality and inclusion.

Read the Diversity and Inclusion Progression Framework for professional bodies.

If you have any comments or suggestions, or if you would like to share your views and experiences please contact us.

IChemE supports the following campaigns and programmes:

The IChemE Code of Professional Conduct requires members to treat others fairly and without bias. It also highlights the need to act with integrity whenever a member is discharging their professional duties. As a guide, this means that a member should treat others as equals and respect their individual right to seek opportunity and/or advancement without barriers.

What is diversity, equality and inclusion?

Diversity is any aspect that can differentiate groups or individuals from one another. This may be on gender, age, ethnicity, disability, education, political views or religion.

Inclusion is a state where people and groups are valued, respected and supported. This enables each to achieve their full potential.

The business case

Every person brings different experiences and perspectives. There is a growing body of evidence to show that diverse teams and inclusive environments are more productive and innovative. These workplaces have greater employee satisfaction, improved recruitment and retention, and better customer relations.

In PwC’s 18th Annual Global CEO report, 85% of CEOs whose organisations have a diversity and inclusion strategy say that is has enhanced business performance.

Unconscious bias

Background, personal experiences and cultural environment have an impact on our decisions and actions. Often, these are unconscious judgements and assessments that happen without us realising. It is important to be aware of these issues and the impact and implication of this behaviour on others. This may be in the classroom, at home or in the work environment.

There are many resources on the internet to learn more about unconscious bias. If you are interested in knowing more, the following resources may be of interest: