All wholly-owned IChemE journals saw a rise in their Impact Factor in 2022, a quantitative measure of a journal in relation to its competitors. The Sustainable Production and Consumption journal achieved the highest ever Impact Factor for any IChemE journal with a score of 8.921.
The number of papers published in IChemE journals during 2022 approached 2,300, an increase of 30% since 2021

Multiple collections of invited papers on topical areas across the breadth and depth of chemical engineering were published in IChemE journals throughout the year, including a special issue of Chemical Engineering Research and Design celebrating IChemE’s centenary. This featured forward-looking perspective articles on core chemical engineering topics from experts in their respective fields.
The number of papers published in IChemE journals during 2022 approached 2,300, an increase of 30% since 2021. The number of manuscripts submitted was over 12,000, an increase of 23% in the same period.
The Chemical Engineer
The ten issues of The Chemical Engineer magazine published during the year included a new series on Ethics and The Chemical Engineer. Launched in partnership with volunteers, the series urged the community to ’think ethics before taking action’.
Loss Prevention Bulletin
Readers of the Loss Prevention Bulletin (LPB) were invited to contribute their predictions for accidents of the future, ie accidents that are typically repeated because lessons are not learnt, or accidents that could arise from new technology. This resulted in a special issue of the bulletin which was shared with Hazards 32 delegates and is also free to download from the website.