Other awards
Andrea Hosey, IChemE Vice President Member Engagement was awarded the prestigious Chemeca Medal for outstanding contributions and leadership in chemical engineering.

She was presented with the highest honour from the Australian and New Zealand Federation of Chemical Engineers (ANZFChE) at the Awards of Excellence ceremony during the Chemeca conference held in Melbourne, Australia in September.
As part of her award, Hosey presented a plenary lecture entitled, ‘How many chemical engineers does it take to save the planet? The power of our profession to achieve change for good.’ In this she explained her route into chemical engineering and the importance of volunteering and student engagement.
Many other chemical engineers were awarded during the Awards of Excellence at the conference.

Trish Kerin, Director of the IChemE Safety Centre (ISC), was awarded the Women In Safety Leader of the Year Award.
The award recognises Kerin’s outstanding leadership and contributions to driving change in process safety internationally, mainly through her activities with the ISC.