Promoting process safety
IChemE has continued to promote process safety and advance the understanding and application of major hazards management techniques to benefit society.
IChemE Safety Centre
The IChemE Safety Centre (ISC) delivered six technical webinars and recorded a series of process safety podcasts in collaboration with Chemical Processing magazine, with the top-rated podcast being Deadly lessons learned from a Permit-to-Work failure (Piper Alpha).

A new case study, Setting Sail, was launched, and added to the bank of ISC case studies, can be used as a training resource to communicate vital process safety lessons. Setting Sail explores the aftermath of an incident involving a ferry, with delegates working to establish who or what caused the event to occur.
The ISC’s social media campaign #MinuteToLearn continued, sharing one-minute videos of incidents and related learnings on their anniversaries. Forty-nine videos gained over 5,000 YouTube views during the year.
The number of followers of the ISC’s social media accounts increased across all channels, with an increase of 55% on LinkedIn.
Followers of the ISC’s social media accounts increased across all channels, with an increase of 55% on LinkedIn
Learning Lessons from Major Incidents
As part of IChemE’s centenary activities, the Safety and Loss Prevention Special Interest Group compiled a series of 52 one-page summaries of major incidents from a variety of process industry sectors into a free-to-download e-book called ‘Learning Lessons from Major Incidents’.
The one-page summaries were created to be used as handouts in university classrooms, posters in plant offices and control rooms or as attachments to process hazard analysis or business case documentation to help justify investment in process safety improvement initiatives.