IChemE’s strategic aims
The purpose of IChemE is to advance chemical engineering’s contribution for the benefit of society. Chemical engineering matters. Its contribution to the advancement of society is clear to see in every home, hospital, school, factory and high street across the world. Looking forward, societal improvement and protection, as set out in the global grand challenges and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require chemical engineers to play a significant role and provide expertise in collaboration with others to deliver solutions that will have a positive impact, globally.
IChemE’s strategic plan, Strategy 2024, covers the period 2019–2024 and describes how the Institution will achieve its objectives with the programme of work, broken down into four aims:
- Aim 1: To be respected for professionalism and technical competence
- Aim 2: To be recognised as a vibrant learned society that materially impacts on the global grand challenges for engineering
- Aim 3: To be acknowledged as a peer-group leader in which an engaged membership receives and adds value; and
- Aim 4: To be known as a high-performing organisation delivering significant value.
The achievements shared within this Annual Review demonstrate progress against all four aims.